The 80M station usually runs a Yaesu FT-1000D driving a homebrew 4-1000A.

.: 80 M Antennas

NE/SW Bobtail Curtain

NW/SE Bobtail Curtain

3 element vertical beam (NE/NW/SE/SW)

Bi-Square at 170 feet

4 520 foot beverages

Two double-ext Zepps shared with 160


.: The 80 M Operating Position


.: 80 M Tower Pictures

One of the primary 80 meter antennas is a 4 square vertical array, switchable NE NW SE SW.

A close up view of 2 of the elements of the 4 square array.

The NW/SE Bobtail Curtain. This is a phased set of two 3 element BobTail Curtains. The elements are made from irrigation piping.

The NE/SW BobTail Curtain can be seen in the distance.

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