NEW CALLSIGNS Compiled by WA4ZXA Date Posted: 12/01/96 OLD CALL # NEW CALL FULL NAME _____________________________________________________________________ K1IU K1AM Jeff Bouvier WA1G K1AJ Bruce Marshall AC1O KN4T Walt Deemer K1ZX K4OJ Jim White K1YRP W1EQ Robert C. Garceau WA1IML K1SM William A. Hassan K1CGJ K1RC John C. Marchand W1IHN 1 N4CW Bert Michaud KJ1N N0HF Daniel C. Norman KD1NG K1SD James M. Setzler, Jr. K1MNS K1CA Larry Blouin K1FWF 1 K1AE John D. Allen WA1N W1AO Joseph M. Kozak K1LL K1ART Arthur K. Hambleton AA1LI W1AZ George B. Gardner K1JKS N1BB William Bithell Jr. WA1PEL K1BD William A. Dodge W1BWS W1CU Jonathan A. Cunitz AG1C W1EG Edward W. Goodhue III N1OCS W1EK Joe Rich KT1O W1ES Stephen E. Wedge KD2EU K1EU Michael J. Russo WO1P K1GE Glenn C. Edson WA1KSY K1HQ Robert P. Olsen N1ACU K1IA Raymond T. Trinque WB1ELA W1IA Brent R. Desautel WU1I W1JO Richard J. Rainville KD1GG AE1M Robert A. Levine N1OPZ N1MD Michael L. Therrien WT1S W1MD Martin I. Durham K1HMO K1MO David C. Mania KA1YQ K1MS Ivan G. Pagacik WA1VAR W1NR Michael A. McCarthy WA2CJT K1OA Scott A. Ginsburg WA1TTE W1OHM William H. Ohm K1YXV K1OW George R. Rickley KA1FMR K1OZ James A. Spear KG1CS W1PA William P. Acito Jr. NZ1U W1RE Robert A. Edry AA1KY W1RH Robert P. Hess AD1G N1RJ Roger D. Johnson WZ1R N1RR Charles Morrison KM1Y K1RV Harold L. Pugh Jr. WA1EQU W1RV Richard P. Vitello NO1J K1TH Thomas W. Hurley NX1H K1TI Paul D. Terwilliger WA1TET W1TQ David W. Foner N1HEO N1TT Stanely A. White KY1H K1TTT David R. Robbins KB1AXF K1WD William H. Davis KD1TM W1XF James A. Frier Jr. WA1TZV K0TV Jeremy L. Muller WB1HBB K4VP Warren L. Rothberg N1EE W6CT Scott A. Lieberman NY1I AE7G Robert C. Koerner KA1MH K1JN N1MJC W1FYB KD1EG W1CN AA1AK AJ1X AI1N K1MZ K1CMI W1MI K1GBU W1SM K1HMO K1MO KA1BQ W1NA KB1BPE K1ZL KC1SJ W1UK NI1Y N1WL NO1U W1WZ W1HIC W3BW WA1AYS K1SG WA1EKV K1KW WS1H N1ET WS1J W1CNY WZ1R N1RR WA1TFH K1OR John C. Swiniarski KA1GD 1 K1RA Andy R. Zwirko WB1L 1 K1TJ Tom Alessi N1PBT 1 KK1L Ronald D. Rossi AB2BO K3BU Yuri Blanarovich WM2C K2KW Kenny Silverman WP2S W4MK Michael J. Kloc AA2UA K2DE James Demos KF2ET N2TX Mike Anderson WT2G W2ED Ed Bailey KB2NY N2JT Jack Trampler WB2DIN W2CE Robert Reed WB2DND N1DG Don Greenbaum KR2J N5NJ Robert Naumann KU2Q K5DU Susan M. King WA2SRQ K2SQ Ed Gilbert AA2DU W2XX J.P. Kleinhaus KE2PF WH2Z David Mueller N2MZH AJ2U Jeff Janock KB2SE K2FR Fredrick R. Gern WA2STM W2EQ John S. Lash KF2FB K1PI Sergei M. Gordienko AA2Z K1RO Mark J. Wilson KB2FD W1SU John J. Cuneo Jr. WB2KMY K2AD Douglas A. Sharp WB2YLR W2GDJ George D. Jones K2SHL W2LK Leslie P. Kalmus KF2ET N2TX Michael T. Anderson N2AIF K2XF Seymour Miller W2CRS W0AH WA2AGO W7KW N2GYY K2DJQ WB2AMM K3HN AA2UV 12 W2WG Robert L. Carroll K2PBP K2BF K2POF W2WC KA2DFO KA2D KC2QF K2ZZ KD2EU K1EU KD2L W2KD KE2N K1NY KW2P W2SF KZ2S N2NC NI2C K2WE NN2G N2TU WA2CJT K1OA WB2QJY WB2QJ WA2WYR 1 W2YR John P. Gagen KE3GA K3AR Beryl D. Simonson KY3N W3EA Wayne Kline KI3V N7TR Richard Hallman WR3E W3UR Bernie McClenny WR3O K4RO Kirk Pickering WB3ESS K3CT John Bednar K3ZNV W8ZA Robert J. Biss NZ3I K3TD Tad Danley N3BDA K3PP Glenn D. O'Donnell WR3G N3RA Scott Jones KF3P K3MM Tyler Stewart W3CPB W3CP James M. Headrick WA3TXR W1TE Charles R. Schwartz N3AHF W2KV David McGee K3YGU K3KY KV3J W3KB N3QYA W3KN NY3G K3SV W3GOI W4AU WA3WJD N3OC WA3WQP N3HR WN3K 1 N9GG Bob Penneys WZ3Q K4ZA Don Daso KX3Y N3EN Art McDonald WX3N KW9KW Dave Patton WZ4F K4AB Larry A. Crim AD4TU K4MW Pete Wildman WB4IUX W4IU Tom Skelton, Jr. W4RIM K6RIM Albert C. Burnham AD4Y N4NM Charles M. Lewis KJ4VH N4GN Tim Totten N4YOS N4YO Tom Thompson KI4HN 1 K4MA Jim Stevens WN4KNN 1 N5KO Trey Garlough KC4ZV K4NO Gregory F. Richard N4PYD W4WW Scotty Neustadter N4DVW W4EA Dan Nixon KI4M W4RJ Ted Pounders WB4NFS W4NF John Francis 0'Mara AA4FC K4PX George Fundis KF4BU K4BU H.J. Huddleston N4DVW 2 W4EA Dan Nixon KJ4KB N1KB John C. Hennessee KX4V N1RL Eric R. Lindquist K4HWG W4AD Jack Omara K4CPK W8DC WA4VCC 1 W4VHF Ted F. Goldthorpe AC4VA ND4Q KD4AUU W1CLS AE4PC WY4Y N4EA ND6A W. Don McDoniel KR4DL K4WA Steven R. Schmidt WB4MAI W4OX Doug McDuff AB4PY W4EP Foy E. Privette WB4VKW K4NA Thomas L. Bickley AC4VA ND4Q Bernard Blair WB4FLB K4UU Gary Hext KR4UJ K4UJ Paul Pescitelli AD4VH 12 W4EF Michael Tope K4IUV W4TO KO4FM W4CE Cliff Deel KP4XS N4UK Ken Ramirez W5HUQ 8 W4UE John R. Moore KB5UL 2 N5UL Charles W. Shaw AA5RB 4 N5KA KK5EP N5ZX Michael Causey AB5KD K5DJ Ron Stailey KJ5IR K5TH Tim Hayes KD5PJ N9CO Charlie Ocker KC5RAS K5WO Bob Kmak WV5S K5TT Jim Hood N5CT 1 W7CT Jim Lawrence AA5BL N5JA Jon A. Barclay AC5BR KK5GT KA5Q 3 K6KT Ken Seals W5VSZ W5FI Gary E. Jones KK5EA N5NZ C. Sim James AB6FO K6LA Ken Widelitz N6UR W6TG Terry Gaiser K6XO KO7X Alan A. Brubaker W6EMS K6AW Stephen Merchant KC6CEX N6ED Craig Gullickson N6YRU W2NA John Downing WA6AUE 4 W6EU Jim Duffy WA6GDS W6KC Jim Stockwell KK6XN W6KY Art Wallace N6AZE N6NC Henry L. Serra Jr. NF6H 2 N6RT Doug Brandon AB6YL K6GT George T. Daughters AC6XO N6DE Dean Wood N6DLU N7UE David B. Ritchie KI6VY AK6I Darrel J. Van Buer NV6O K6GV Eric D. Woods WA6IET N6WS Bill Shell KJ6HO 5 K6RO Larry Shapiro N6IP 4 K6XX Bob Wolbert N6NU W6RW Michael S. Mitchell AA6MC K6KR Richard Dievendorff WB6JMS 6 W6YJ James Arther Jr. WA6GVC W4XP AA6KX N6NT Bruce Sawyer WA6BXH W7BX Sandy Lynch KE6LT K5GS Gene Spinelli N6XI N7TN NZ6N W6SW Randy Powell WR6R AH7G Al Crespo AH6NB 3 KH7M Jim Reid AA7FT 6 K7ST Adam Kerner AA7NX K7NT Michael R. Conotore AA7BG K7BG Matt Trott AA7NH K7ZL Thomas Trent W7LZP 1 W7TI Bill Turner AA7VB K7BV Dennis Motschenbacker KD7EY K9EY Casey Conway KC7EM K7EM Steve Kelly NS7Z K5UO Mike Bragassa WA7FOE W7NN AB7CZ K7MK Jim Cullum KR7Y K7XM Hugh Phillips WA7UVJ N7WA Michael Dinkelman W7KJJ K7JJ Dave Earnest KI7YO 1 KR7X Hank Lonbert AA7TF 4 K7ZO Scott Tuthill KG7TE K7CO WA7NIN W7TO Pat Bacon AL7PT W8PT Rich Kennedy AL7H K0AV NL7J KL7J Lee Buchholz AA8GL W8EB Wm. E. Blick WA8SWM W7WM Steve Boone N8ATR N8TR Pete Michaelis KC8MK K8MK Jim Hurt K8BRL N1RT Ron Toller AA8FE W5FX Mike Bruening AA8OT K3AO Serge Kulyov K8HVT W1NN Hal Offutt WA8YVR N9RV Patrick M. Barkey WD8IXE 3 N8SM Steve Miller K8JLF K1HT David C. Hoaglin K8QLK K8GT Gerry Treas AD8V W1ZZ Edward H. Stratton WA8SMF 1 W8MM Mike Valentine KU8U W8KX John Lane KU8P K8RS WB8OGM K8TJ WA8LLY 1 K6UM Steve Lund W8YA W4AG WB8VPA 1 N8RF John Udvari K8MBH 2 WA8WV Dave Ellis AB8Y W8RR Gary Kaser AA8SM K8SM Scott Long WD8AUB K4LT Douglas L. Klein AA9AX N9FD Steve Sample WX9E K9PG Paul Gentry W9NQ 5 K6ZZ Bob Selbrede WN9JAT K9MY Jerry Douglas KF9PL 1 KX9X Sean E Kutzko N9CKC N9CK Steven Franzen KK9W K0RX David R. Anderson WB9MSV N9LR WA9KNP W9FX Brad Pioveson K9HCX W9OZ KE9A K4ZW KD9BC K9WI N9XBM KE9R WI9L N9MW NC0P N0NI AA0OB K0OB Greg Fields NI0E 4 W0MU Mike Fatchett AA0XZ K0GN Greg Nunn NG0X N6NZ David B. Curtis AA0WO W7II William Frede NZ0V K0ZZ Robert Emerson AA0SQ K0MX Jeff Fischer AA0VQ N0KK Kirk Pengelly K0IJL N0IJ John Baumgarten WA0VQR W0DC John Lockhart N0DH 9 N7EX Dave Henderson NQ0I 1 N7DR Doc Evans AA0NV N5BC Felix J. Riess WY0J KK0T Jim Brown KC0O W0LD Lauren Libby AB0CN N0UK Chris Cox WA0QOA NA2U Fred W. Hoffert K0WWG 1 W6DX Barrie Britton N0BSH 2 K9NW Mike Tessmer CLUB STATIONS KB2ZTN N2EE Nicola TESLA Radio Club KB2UGI W2BC Chain Lakes ARA KB3BIJ 1 W3TT N.E.R.D.S. KB3BLJ 1 W2JJ Hi-Tech Rednecks W3FRY W3FRC Frankford Radio Club KB3BPM W3AO National Press Radio Club KF6AYQ K6AO Mother Lode DX/Contest Club KE6URB K6RCC River City Contesters KE6URI K6CPU Intel Emergency Amateur Radio Service KE6TXM K6RE Alps Amateur Radio Club KE6SWZ N6UI Cops Contest Club WB6JHC W6YV U.Southern California ARC KC7KMC K7RAT Boring Amateur Radio Club KB9NLG KX9ZZ Cook County Contesters KM9P K4AAA Dahlonega Contest Club WP2AHW WP2Z Island Villa Contest Club ************************************************************************** The calls were put by there old call and in that call area. Also you will notice a number next to the old call. That is the number of the choice they receieved. The calls are in the order they were receieved by me. Also Scott, KA9FOX has all the vanity call info on his home page with a complete listing if anyone is interested. I am sorry if this format laps some of the email addresses around. They are just to long to get all on one line. I did put the new email addresses people gave me on here so if the mail bounces you will know why. 73 Jim ********************************************************** * Jimmy R. Floyd (Jim) Thomasville, NC * * * * Amateur Call: >> WA4ZXA << * * Packet Node: >> N4ZC << * * Internet Address: >> << * **********************************************************